Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus)

Order: Lepidoptera  Family: Pyralidae
Common name : Wax moth
Egg collection

Male and female moths in the ratio of 1:1 are introduced into oviposition cage. Honey-water mixture 1:1 and drinking water is provided on cotton swabs and changed daily. The cages are kept at 30°C in a dark place. Female moths deposit their eggs on accordion - folded strips of wax paper which are stapled on all sides of the inner surface of the oviposition cage. The eggs are removed daily or every alternate day by removing the folded strips of wax paper and removing the staples from both the ends of wax paper strips. New strips are introduced in place of the removed ones. The eggs are removed by gently scraping from the wax paper strips and disinfected with 10% formalin for 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes washing in sterilized water. They are then dried over a filter paper.

Diet ingredients for larvae of Galleria mellonella
Corn meal - 400 gmsHoney – 350 ml
Wheat flour - 200 gmsGlycerin – 350 ml
Wheat bran - 200 gms 
Milk powder – 200 gms 
Yeast tablets – 100 gms 
Preparation of diet

Corn meal, wheat flour, wheat bran, milk powder and yeast are mixed thoroughly as per the proportion mentioned in A. Honey and glycerin are mixed separately as per the proportion mentioned in B. A and B are mixed by slow but thorough stirring with surgical gloves covered hands. The diet is prepared in a plastic container 4 or 5 days before use.

Diet inoculation with eggs

50 mgs of wax moth eggs are spread over 1.5 cm thick diet, which is powdered and about 350 gms of it spread in plastic basins / jars. The tops are covered with wire mesh lids. A piece of blotting paper is put over the lid to prevent escape of newly hatched larvae. The basins/jars are kept at 30°C and 50% RH. Thirty seven days after egg infestation the larvae move to the top of the jar to spin cocoons. The larvae for Sturmiopsis inferens inoculation are collected after 25 to 30 days.